Gain better Visibility over your Contracts and Bills

Bill Analysis; Managed Account; Critical Communications

Dont be throwing away Cash

EvotecPlus always deliver more than expected.

If you have never completed a telecommunications bill review you could be paying more than you need to. Paying for services you don’t use or using technologies that don’t suit your business.


At EvotecPlus we are committed to finding you the best solution at the best price. 


In many cases a phone bill review might identify services that aren’t being used anymore


It will show overall savings of communication spend, as well as a comparison so you know exactly where your value is

The process is simple, all you need to do is send us a copy of your business phone bill, your mobile phone bill, your data or internet bill, your audio conferencing or teleconferencing bull and any other telecommunications bills and expenses you may have.

We can analyse what you are spending and propose either a cheaper or a better solution depending on your needs.


  • Reducing the cost of your communications service is easy without free telephone and internet savings analysis. There is no cost to you or your business, and no obligation to follow through with out savings plan


  • By combining your communications service, you can save significant amounts of time and money.
Bill Analysis; Managed Account; Critical Communications
EvotecPlus Bill Analysis